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​1 ) . Initiating 'Genesis' through imagination.

Every beginning has empty space, null, negative infinity. But it cannot stay empty forever, ( something like...  'Every action has an equal and opposite reaction', 'The good cannot exist without the bad, vice versa ' ), in short, the balance has to be maintained, and it will be maintained.

What you create comes from what you imagine, how you potray, how you envision the idea, the logic which you created in your mind of that substantial idea, how you make it grow, from an atom, to matter. The thing about creativity is that, it's an open platform, you can create anything and everything you want, there are no rules. BUT.. what you create should be acknowledged, it should be able to stand out / shoulder to shoulder among the other creations, else, it will remain as another creation/discovery behind the curtains.  It is not an easy task, but I believe, practice makes perfection, and for that, what is required is dedication, passion, love, hunger for more.

Golden Rule:  Stay Foolish, Stay Hungry, Believe, and then you will find what you were looking for.​


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